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"The Ride" is a scripted television drama series set in the exciting world of professional motorsports, revolving around the exploits of a tight-knit group of stock car drivers from different worlds. Set in the Lake Norman area, north of Charlotte, called Race City USA, this character-driven story is about friendship, fun and beating the odds. Come along for the ride as fast drivers, cool cars, beautiful women, and prominent sponsors will be integral parts of each weekly episode. "The Ride" is targeted for the Spring 2013 season.






Who's along for The Ride....


Tony Sommo

tony pic

Veteran WGA screenwriter Tony Sommo is tapped to write the pilot, incorporating themes from advertiser/sponsors
into the script. Sommo's selection climaxed a year-long search for a writer who could accurately capture the
nuances and spirit of professional motorsports behind the scenes, as well as on and off the track. Sommo also has
great ability to write for a large ensemble cast. Roughnecks, an animated sci-fi action-adventure spin-off of the
popular 1997 film Starship Troopers, featured as many as 18 major characters per episode during its six-season
run and included the voices of David DeLuise, Rider Strong (of the TV series Pepper Dennis) and veteran
television actor Bill Fagerbakke (formerly of Coach, who currently voices many of the characters on SpongeBob
Squarepants). Sommo has written for television (America's Most Wanted), film (Dropped Frames, The Ledge) and
animation (Men in Black: The Series, Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles).




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